Me TOTALLY bitching at Chris-chris

09 September, 2002 || 9:02 pm

Chris, hey, first off, I'm sorry your retainer got stuck, etc., etc., but wtf? Just what the bloody fuck?

"as for margeaux, im sorry that you are depressed..."

Did you even read her entry? Have you read mine, or Ben's, or Eileen's recently? (As in, the last day or so?) I think Margeaux is probably the only one of the Usual Suspects that hasn't been bitching about being depressed. Case in, here, and here.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a total bitch right now. If y'all want to write me angry response entries, go ahead. I just don't get, Chris, how you could be so totally oblivious to the fact that we're all depressed in one way or another, and then the minute Margeaux types "depressed" in an entry, it's "im sorry that you are depressed..."

Once again, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a total fucking bitch, even though I am, but I need to say this. It's my mean-ness for today. And I am sorry, but I think it just needs to be said.

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