a lazy sort of entry, yet longer than more recent ones

08 September, 2002 || 11:35 am

Chris, I know damn well I'm a nazi, but I'm a good nazi, if there is such a thing, so there. And there's nothing wrong with being nice, as long as you are assertive. People might walk all over nice people, but thy generally hate mean people, so...yeah...

I had a strange dream last night, but I'll probably get yelled at if I write it here. Well, not yelled at, but I feel odd writing it here as I don't know how those involved will react. If you're absolutely dying to know, ask me, maybe I'll tell you and maybe I won't, depending, of course, on whether I think you should know.

So I went to sleep about 2 in the morning last night, and then I had to get up around 7:30 this morning. We went for the Ovarian Cancer Walk in Albany, yes, the one I said y'all could walk with me in, oops, I forgot. Chris, thank your Mum again, please, for me, for giving my me and my mother the $10. Thanks so so much.

I've been in sort of a thoughtful mood recently, which has got me somewhat depressed, I'm sorry if I was a total bitch to you guys last night, really I am, but I couldn't help it. You were pissing me off, dammit! I'm working on a few layouts for MI Designs right now, and they all involve rather somber photos, and serious moods. I don't really know what's going on. And is it just me, or has Hamida changed a bit? Maybe I picked up on it because I know her better than some of you do, but she seems a little more, I don't know, ignorant, maybe? Or just more blonde, I guess. We used to be able to really talk about things that matter, and I don't think we can anymore. She seems somewhat closed-minded to me, recently, and just totally ignorant as to whatother people are feeling, or what they think. An example is how last night, when Ben said he doesn't believe in God or the Devil, Hamida was all strange, as though she'd never heard of such a thing. I think she just assumes that everyone believes what she believes and they're wrong, at least on some level, if they don't.

Or maybe I'm just being terribly critical, which, in all honesty, has been known to happen. I've been getting headaches all the time, and I dn't know why, exactly. I mean, I'm stressed about school and the like, I always am, but no more than I've been in the past. And yet I'm constantly gulping down asprin.

Anyway, my grandpa is coming over for dinner tonight, so won't that be grand...

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