why don't you go *fuck* something....

08 September, 2002 || 5:37 pm

Damn. Just damn damn damn damn. Y'all, if we're going to do something next weekend, it'll have to be on Friday night, or during the day on Saturday. Why, you might ask...I'll tell you why. Because next Saturday, I have to go to my grandfather's for dinner, which means I have to spend all evening with him today, and blippin' all evening with him next week!!

And now just about everything is making me want to scream and we're out of dip and I want some celery, but there isn't any to be had and there's stupid school tomorrow, and SSYO next week and no real MC for another two weeks, and it's not fucking fair!!!

And, surprise, surprise, I have another headache.

Somebody just shoot me now...

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