Showers and Spam

04 September, 2002 || 6:56 pm

Oh, school tomorrow...I don't want to go, I don't want to go...

I shall, I think, address the same things as Eileen did in her diary. Mainly, showers and SPAM.

Ak,'s 7:22 now, Kelsey just called and we had a lovely conversation. I haven't seen her at all this summer. Okay, okay, I saw her once, but that's it.

Back to showers and SPAM:

I showered this morning (er, afternoon??) after I got up, but I don't want to shower tomorrow morning before school, so I have to shower again tonight. I hate taking two showers in one day, but I'm afraid it can't be helped.

Have you got anything without spam? Well, there's spam eggs sausage and spam, that's not got much spam in it.

I don't like spam!

(I don't like spam, either. Come to think of it, there's something else I don't really like...treacle!)

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