03 September, 2002 || 11:22 pm


Treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle!!!!!

Treacle. Really. Eileen, the key is, when Chris-chris sits on you, you have to take slow deep breaths from your stomach, like we learned in chorus in 7th grade. Of course, it doesn't really work when he's sitting on you and bouncing up and down saying "treacle treacle treacle treacle" just because you said it first.

My shoulders hurt now, and I'll be saying "treacle" forever, and I'll have the image of Carol Channing singing "jam tomorrow, jam yesterday, but never ever jam today!!"

Sigh. Tonight was fun, except, of course, that all the Usual Suspects couldn't be there. Which sucks. Really really sucks. Because, as Chris reminded us, one is the loneliest number, two's a couple, three's a croud, and four's a party. I'd just like to add to that by saying five's a par-tay. Because there're five of us.

And might I just conculde with:

Treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle treacle!!!!!


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