When the Jester sang for the King and Queen, in a coat he borrowed from James Dean, and a voice that came from you and me...

13 August, 2002 || 11:49 pm


I had fun tonight. I love that movie. I love my friends. I love pizza.

You know what else I love? My computer. You know what's up with my computer? Neither do I. My dad has narrowed it down to two options.

One - that he will be able to hook up the hard drive to his computer and save a copy of everything on my computer.

Two - that he won't. Therefore causing everything on my computer to be deleted.

I have stuff on this computer going back to 6th grade. I have page after page after page of things I've written, stories I've started and worked on every few months for years. I have conversations I've had with people online - conversations that still make me laugh or sigh or want to cry. I have folders of Disney pictures, I have a shitload of html. I have images I made for templates I've yet to make (Jen - your images are among those...I'm sure I can do them all over again...).

There's just so much shit on my computer...what am I going to do if I can never see any of it again?

I'm just in a really pissed off mood. I have to spend tomorrow with my grandma and I'm almost positive the day's going to be complete hell. My mom told me she's not giving me mall money for Thursday if I bring my cd player tomorrow. I said I'd bring a book and my cd player and her eyes got really big and she said "Don't you dare!" all scary-like.

So I am going to be bored of my ass tomorrow, with no hope of internet access when I come home, as I have to share this computer with my dad. Then I have a lesson again on Thursday, and then Leeners and I leave on Friday. As much as I love Leeners, I'm somewhat bummed because when we come home again, there's only one week until we go back to hell. This as been such a fun summer, despite the week of Purgatory, oh, wait, did I say Purgatory - I meant hell, er - Canada....riiiight...

I'm just all depressed right now. I'm upset with some people for not being more responsible about their actions. When a person is behaving in such a way that it changes how someone else must act, the first person can't, then, blame other people for Person B's change in behavior.



If y'all could send me an "Omg - your rock" email it would be appreciated. I hate asking for favors like that, especially when I'm being so pathetic, but I really am not being my usual self.

To quote Jen, "I'm in a funk...."

I'll go to bed, now. Maybe I'll feel better in the morning. Happier. Or at least less sad.


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