"listen to rock music"...okay...but does it have to be so damn *loud*??

12 August, 2002 || 10:24 pm

Ah, so party at the library was tonight. It was fun. By fun I mean really really loud. Not that I didn't have a good time. Because I did. I'm just not sure I'll be able to hear like a normal person ever again.

Tomorrow the Usual Suspects are coming over to watch Am�lie which I am now the proud owner of. Sigh. Life is very very good.

We're also going shopping on Thursday. I'm buying pants from Old Navy and (you can start to oooh and ahhh now) SHOES! Yay.

On the down side, I have to spend the whole frickin day with my grandmother on Wednesday. She's picking me up in the morning, I'm there all day, and then when Dad comes to pick me up, we have to stay for dinner. ARRRRG!!!! You all know what this means, right? It means a) I'm probably going to be sick Wednesday nigt from the "food" and b) I'm going to have to prepare a prayer to say before we eat, neither of wjich I want to do.

But I won't think about that. I'll just think about how cool beans the rest of my week will be. Yeah.

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