A short (and stunningly crap) outline of my day until about 1ish...

07 August, 2002 || 10:45 am

I just showered. Now I have that lovely now-I-am-clean feeling one gets after they shower and are clean.

I get a few minutes of internet while Audrey showers and after that, we have to walk over to Hannaford and then to the post-office. And then we'll walk up to Hamida's house where we will take her bike to bike to the library, where I hope to be by 1. Yeah.

La La La....I just called Ben "dolly" online...ha ha. That's such a cool name. Say it all together now:

Dolly. Dolly. Dolly...

Wow. Just wow. Okay, not just wow....holy bleepin' crap wow!

(Maybe Audrey didn't steal my mescaline after all...)

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