
22 June, 2002 || 10:45 pm

I just watched the movie Memento. It's about this guy whos wife was raped and then he lost his short-term memory. He was slammed (by the rapist) up against a mirror and he had brain damage which made him unable to make new memories. He could remember who he was, his name etc, but he couldn't remember what he did 5 minutes ago. He believed that a man named John G. was the one who raped and killed his wife, and he was determined to kill John G. He had facts that he discovered about John tattooed all over his body so he wouldn't forget who he was looking for and why. It's very creepy and somewhat hard to understand because the beginning of the movie is the thing that happened last. Then, they would go back farther in time and show what happened up to the thing they just showed. So at the end of the movie, you're at the beginning of the story, yet you know what happens next. At the end of the story, you have no idea what happened, but by the beginning, you're already at the end of the movie and you get it.

I hope I don't start forgetting things. And I just know I'm going to have dreams tonight about writing things all over my body. Or poloroid cameras.


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