School and Weddings

19 June, 2002 || 4:23 pm

I feel like such an idiot. I want to be excited because school is over, but I can't be, because I still have a test to take tomorrow. That's Right, I have to go into school tomorrow at noon for the sole purpous of taking a test. I have no classes left, nothing new to learn, no dealing with teachers, even. And yet, I have to go into school. And I feel like an idiot because I don't know what an appropriate feeling would be to have at this moment. Should I be happy, because school is as good as over or should I be pissed off because I still have to go in tomorrow? ARRG!!

*It's okay, Emily...breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...*

Jen was talking in her diary today about how her sister was bugging her about bridesmaids wearing navy shoes and all the same jewelry at the wedding. I already left a note about it for Jen, but I feel the need to comment here. The weddingis in August. August is between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That means one can wear white shoes without being struck down by the wrath of the ALL MIGHTY SHOE GODS. It also means that finding navy shoes will be very difficult. Especially if you want navy shoes that actually match the dresses. And un-matching navies would be far more tacky than, well, things that are not tacky, like wearing white shoes in the summer. About the jewelry - if the bride (coff,coff - JEN) wants her bridesmaids to be wearing matching jewelry, she should then make that known to the bridesmaids. If the expense of buying matching jewelry for everyone is out of the question, but matching jewelry is still desired, the bride should talk to her bridesmaids and find out what jewelry they have so the most similar items could be selected. However, if the bride does not give a merde, THAN NEITHER SHOULD ANYONE ELSE!! Let's all think about a wedding day, shall we?? It lasts, hmmmm, one day!! which means, of course, that the bride could wear a white (hell - or even a black) garbage bag to her wedding!

I think, in general, people get so uptight about their wedding being "perfect" that they forget that the marraige is far more important than the wedding.

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