Ode to my Jax

14 April, 2002 || 5:36 pm

Okay, so is it just me, or have all of my images gone crazy? And check out Eileen's diary, too. Is her image bonkers? I think it is. Unless I have gone crazy.

Which is quite possible, as I have been inhaling paint fumes all day.

And now I'm eating Jax.

Ode to my Jax

Oh, those scrumptious curls of crunchy cheese that I do love so...
How cheesy thou art and how orange dost thou my fingers make!
Oh, my Jax, how you fufill my hunger for your salty cheesy tangy goodness.
And how your incredibly high saturated fat content dost my arteries block!
And yet, I consume you still...
I do eat as though each will be my very last crunchy curl of cheese,
and so I will continue to devour you, never ever to stop...

Damn. The bag is empty.

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