eeeew....I feel icky....

12 April, 2002 || 1:53 pm

So I really really REALLY meant to wake up earlly today. However, here it is, 2 o' clock and I woke up about 20 minutes ago. I feel really lazy and stupid and scummy. And now Chris has left and I did not know because D*land was NOT FRIGGIN HERE all evening yesterday, and I did not get to say goodbye. Damn. I *hate* not getting to say goodbye.

I have so much utter crap to do today before 7. My room is a complete pigsty (or is it pigstye?) and my mom told me to clean it. Which is fine, except it will take forever, and I still need to shower, blow dry my hair, figure out which monologue I'm going to use tonight.....AKKKKKK!

Sorry - the mailman just walked by out front and I had to duck ecasue I'm sitting here with no pants on in a t-shirt and knickers and I cannot imagine how horrid I must look.

And there is a beer can in our front yard. Why is it, do you suppose, that people feel it is okay to throw their garbage out their car window onto OUR LAWN???? Argh.

YAY JEN! I'm happy happy happy for you getting your house house house!!!!


And on a very *very* *very* *very**very* *VERY* good note, my mum went to the doctor yesterday. And, although I was planning to announce this tonight, I'm going to do it now:

HER CANCER IS IN REMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeat: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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