The top 10 things that are very very wrong...

14 November, 2001 || 1:40 a.m.

The top ten things that are very very wrong~~~

10. People who don't know what they want for Christmas. I've been planning for weeks.

9. People who don't get why reading is fun.

8. People who diss toe socks

7. When people wear two different plaids in the same outfit.

6. When white people act "black."

5. When skinny people think they're fat.

4. When people don't pay attention to their personal hygiene

3. Preps.

2. Stupid people are allowed to live.

And the #1thing that is oh so very wrong~~~~~~~~~~

1. White boots.

I ask you, what even half sober fashion designer came up with the idea of white boots? You aren't supposed to wear whit after Labor day, and you shouldn't wear boots before Labor day. Therefore, the very idea of white boots is totally ubsurd, and quite sick. Unless you are Nancy Sinatra singing about the boots, you have no right to even mention white boots, unless, of course, you are dissing them.

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