Reasns Why I am a Pathetic Loser

12 October, 2001 || 4:49 p.m.

Reasons why I am a Pathetic Loser:

1. I am 14 years old and have yet to have a boyfriend

2. I am, to put it bluntly, not the most attractive person in the world.

3. I have a grand total of roughly four friends.

4. I go to the library on Saturday nights because I have nothing better to do.

5. I am not going to the homecoming dance tonight, nor did I wear school colors yesterday for the pep-rally. I wore black. Go team.

6. Though I am smart, I�m not the most interesting person ever.

7. I�m in all honors courses at school.

8. I find an equal amount of amusement watching the History Channel or Sponge-Bob Square-Pants.

9. I read 35 books this summer.

And, the moment you�ve all been waiting for�

10. I watch "The Capital Gang" with my dad.

Well, there you have it. It sums up my life. I could make a personal add: "Ugly, nerdy, non-spirited loser seeks good-looking, intelligent, romantic, compassionate guy for dating." Right. That�s going to happen.

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