door - A movable structure used to close off an entrance, typically consisting of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or rotates.

25 July, 2002 || 5:44 pm

Jen -- A door has hinges on it so that it may be closed. What is behind closed doors no one has to see... Agreed? I agree.

I will be at the library all frickin day tomorrow, for those of you that love me and want to spend time with me before I go away. Which I will be doing on Saturday. As if you didn't know. I just want to be sure everyone understands that they will have to suffer through a week without my wonderous self to guide you from day to day. And that your last chance to say goodbye is tomorrow. (Okay, okay...if I can haul my ass out of bed early enough, I'll be online Saturday morning before 8.) I will miss you all, and am fairly sure that by the time I leave Jo�lle's house, I will have her saying "cool beans."

And just for the record, I hate being a woman. And you know what I hate even more? Being a woman without any Midol.

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