To Eileen and to Jen

30 January, 2002 || 7:41 p.m.

Okay, I have several things to say. Not that anyone will be incredibly interested, but whatever.

First of all, Eileen. You know I'm pro-choice. You know I get pissed off when people think that abortions should be illegal. However, your entry sort of bothered me. You kept saying how Robo-nun was wrong to say that abortions were evil. I think that, yes, it's not right to generalize by saying that everyone who has an abortion is wrong, or doctors who do abortions are eveil. But it bothered me that you were calling Sister Whatsherface wrong. Those are her beliefs,and I think she's entitled to them. I understand you don't have a very strong faith in the church, but she does, and the bible, that she looks to for advise and consolation, distintivly says that abortion is wrong. She'sput her faith in God, and she believes that God doesn't approve of abortion. I just think that, though you or I may not agree with her, she is allowed to believe whatever she wants, even if we see it as biast.

Anyway, that's just my view on it.

Jen, your hair looks really cute. Like, really. I like it.

Also, that's really bitchy of you-know-who. So was she going to Boston or to babysit? Either was, just omg. Bitch.

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