In which I try *really hard* to be positive

20 January, 2002 || 12:19 p.m.

Okay, in order of how I read them.


Thank you. Yes, I know my viola pics kick ass. That's because violas rock. And they are better than violins. Always remember, when you crack a viola joke, that every viola joke can be transcribed down an octave or up a fifth. Unless you are a string player, you will probably not understand that fabulous remark. But anyway, moving on...

You will get used to your retainer after a while. How long do you have to wear it for? I had mine 2 weeks, 24 hours a day, and now I just hafta wear it nights. It's not so bad, except first thing in the morning when my retainer is suctioned to my teeth from my spit and also how nasty it tastes when I first put it in at night (also from the spit).


I'm *really* sorry the house was a hunka-junk. Really. I was really hoping it would look really cool and be just what you wanted etc, etc. I'm really saying "really" a lot, aren't I? I guess so.

and Alex:

I would just say No Comment, cuz that's probably what you would like me to say, but I'm afraid, since *you* brought it up to begin with, and since you *know* I read your diary, I must comment on your doings:

That's gross. Your are a "Devout Christian" (remember - those are YOUR words, not mine), and yet you still exibit such behavior. I don't really like to lecture because it makes people pissed at me, but I do think you're being a hypocrite. And I hate it when people are, even though I am, and I'm being even more of one by saying that I hate it when people are. But *my* hypocracy isn't the topic on hand.

That's all I really have to say. I have a seating audition tonight, and even though I don't care where I sit, and even though I know I'm going to sit last chair, I still *really* don't want to do this audition. Even though I'm going to sit last chai and I don't care. I mean, I REALLY don't care. It doesn't bother me AT ALL. Yet I *still* don't want to audition.

I think it's because even though *I* know I'm the worst (hey, wait - lets be positive - I'm the 6th best - out of 6) so even though I know I'm the 6th best, and *everybody else* knows I'm the 6th best, I still don't want to flaunt the fact any more than I have to.

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