here I am, once again

19 January 2005 || 5:31 pm

Time for an update, I guess.

I've been terrible about writing, I know. I mean to, but then nothing I do seems that important. I'm considering starting a new diary so I don't have the guilt of all these old entries. New start, no pressure.

But then...I've written so much here and I feel like you can't just up and leave one life to start another. You're still the same person. I don't want to leave behind everything I've written here. I don't want to forget what I thought and felt and did, these past four years.

Has it really been that long? Jesus. I feel so old. I guess diaryland is just starting to lose its charm. It's not as though I'm writing at all, now. There's been no documentation of my life for at least a month. Kind of scary. I like to have documentation, to be able to know where my time went. I don't like looking back at any journal and seeing huge gaps of time. It makes me wonder what I'd done.

This entry is a bit much, don't you think? I think I'm thinking too hard. Or not enough. Or something.

I think I'm going to go eat soup and watch part of Hedwig.

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