
03 May 2004 || 7:36 pm

I've been reading through some websites and I came across

I just don't get it. I understand how people say that pro-ana sites should be protected under the constitution, what with the first amendment and all...

But how can anyone possibly say that pro-ana is a good thing? I understand and put all my support behind support groups. Pro-ana sites, however, are not support groups. Support groups say "We have a serious problem and we're going to work together to feel better about ourselves in a healthy way." They do not say, "ooooo...omg guys i ate soooooo much and then i just puked it up and i only ate a green bean, yesterday, so i am skinny, you should B 2!!"

I don't think people understand that "pro" means "in favor of." It doesn't mean "I support the help and recovery of."

It just makes me sort of angry. For all the people out there who feel FAT a lot of the time, people who have bad body images...people don't need to be seeing people who are grossly thin who insist that being anorexic is the best thing they've ever done.

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