me, once again, complaining...I think I have just cause this time, though

24 March 2004 || 9:20 pm

I'm in a rut. There is waaaaaaay too much estrogen running through my system right now.

I am so mad at so many people right now, I'm sure I've said some really rude and inappropriate things. I'm just sick of the lack of responsibility, especially in orchestra. Yes, we have to take a schoolbus to Montreal, and yes that will suck - but it sucks for everybody! We only have THREE rehearsals left, so don't chastise people for not knowing their parts and bitch and moan about long rehearsals and changes in dates.

This is just so important to me, I'm just so fed up with people who want to join in the fun, but who aren't willing to make sacrifices for the overall good of the group. I just want to yell at people that your life is no more important or inflexible than anyone else's and I just hate that people think they can just blow things off.

I'm also thinging of this other girl who is a complete FREAK OF NATURE and I just can't deal.

AND I have to write a DBQ.


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