Give us a wink and make me think of you...

27 December, 2002 || 10:14 pm

YAAAY! New layout!! Isn't it pwetty??

(The answer is "yes." Or, if you're feeling extra-nice, "it's fantabulous, Emily, daaaaaahling!")

All things considered, I'm in a pretty good mood, right now, despite my dad being stoopit, earlier, and the fact that my mum and the devildog from hell are both asleep on the couch, snoring. I can't believe tomorrow's Saturday, already. I haven't done any homework, and I'm feeling quite behind. I'll get to it...maybe. I just don't want to think about having to go back to school. That word..."school"...just makes you sick, doesn't it?

Just so y'all know, unless one of you'd like to be incredibly sweet and invite us all over, tomorrow night, my (now snoring) Mum has agreed to let you come here. Which is awfully nice of here, so you should all say thanks if you come here, tomorrow. Especially since you're coming over on New Years Eve. While I'm thinking of it, Chris (wait, why am I leaving him a message, I know he doesn't read this...) anyway, house, 9:15-2, we can bring you home when we're done. And Margeaux - you and Eileen're just sleeping over, so just wear your jimjams to my house at 9:15 and make life more fun. "It's like a party!"

Indeed, it is "like a party." Because it is a party. Woo!

I got decorations and everything...sparkley "Happy New Year" crowns, a black top had covered in glitter, a banner, noisemakers, champagne flutes with your name on them... Y'all can thank me later. *GRIN*

And Emily's mood improves. How is it that there are times when there's really no reason to be especially happy, but you just are? I like times like that.

And I really think it'll be impossible for me to ever call Semaj anything but "Jimmy," so either someone explains to him that Emily is a nutcase and will call him Jimmy, or put me in a situation where I'd need to talk to him. Okay? Okay.

And, much like Beth, if I had a son named "James," I'd name him "Jimmy." Of course, I won't have a son named James, if I'm ever unfortunate enough to have a son, I'm naming him Ethan. Because Ethan is a nice name, and James is my grandpa's name, which is just too creepy.

Don't ask me how, dammit, it just is.

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