When I just don't have the words...it's time to steal someone else's...

07 December, 2002 || 5:21 pm

Sometimes other people can just say it better:

"I feel like an old woman, shuffling around the office, shoulders slightly slumped. In about two seconds I'm going to shove my hair into a tight topknot, lose my hearing, and start moaning about how the kids today show too much ankle. Spontaneous knitting may occur, both of the brows and of the furry, misshapen, pink-tasseled sweater.

In short: I am in that most nefarious of states, known simply as Almost Sick. I'm standing on the doorstep of Diseased, holding a pan of brownies I just baked, waiting for it to open the door so I can welcome it into the neighborhood and ask it to baby-sit the child that I don't have."

Yeah...that pretty much sums up my life.

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