"Ben Rulez"

29 November, 2002 || 9:30 pm

I figure I should actually update, today, even though I really have nothing to update.

update v. up�dat�ed, up�dat�ing, up�dates - to bring up to date: update a textbook; update the files.
n 1. Information that updates something.
2. The act or an instance of bringing something up to date.
3. An updated version of something.

And none of that is true. I really honestly have nothing to update. I will, however (for my on sanity's sake) try to come up with something to entertain you.

Well, hot damn, am I really this boring?

(*nudgenudge*...pssst...wake up!!...your line is "yes")

Ben and I went to the library, today, and bothered Jen, which was fun, as usual. Speaking of annoying Jen, go take her poll, at the lib site. I'd link it for your convience, but then She-Who-Has-Nothing-Better-To-Do-Than-Look-For-Things-About-The-Library-To-Use-Against-Jen might find it, which would suck. Speaking of things that'd suck for Jen, let's mention things that don't suck for Jen...She got a house! Finally! YAAAY! She'll have lots of fun, organizing her cabinet of hideousosity, or whatever she decides to call it.

Heh, heh...while I'm thinking of it, I told my Mum about the "forgiveness cup"....this is just too good...a memory of Jen and her mothe I will treasure forever. When we were on LI this summer, for Jen's shower, her mother gave her this lovely (cough) wine-glass-y thing with a printed up card. I tried looking for the exact words on the card, online, but you type in "forgiveness cup" at a search engine and you wouldn't believe all the religious bullshit you come up with. "For when you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lords ... will remember that through the events we are commemorating we have forgiveness for all ... "


Anyway, the card said something along the lines of, "In marriage, there are conflicts. You shouldn't let these disagreements be the divisive force in the covenant of love you have made, together. When you have a lovers' quarrel, one of you fill this forgiveness cup with a liquid, it need not be alcoholic, and offer it to the other. When offering the cup, say to your partner, 'I love you, and am sorry for our argument. Please accept this as a token of my apology.' When receiving the forgiveness cup, you should say 'I accept this cup as a symbol of your apology and I forgive you with my whole heart.' " (I don't know if that all was there, but it's the basic nub and thrust of things).

So, anyway, back to my story, I told my mother about the forgiveness cup and she went, "awww...I think that's sweet..."


I mean, don't get me wrong, I love sentimental lovey-dovey things as much as the next hopeless romantic, but just *gag*.

My father just brought me a cup of tea, which I find nice. There's nothing quite like a hot cup of tea when you weren't expecting it to make you smile.

"There's nothing like eating hay when you're faint," he remarked to her, as he munched away.

"I should think throwing cold water over you would be better," Alice suggested: "or some sal-volatile."

"I didn't say there was nothing better," the King replied. "I said there was nothing like it." Which Alice did not venture to deny.

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