Today, today...

16 November, 2002 || 5:52 pm

I've had a pretty good day, today. This morning took too long, and I spent the whole thing at the hair dresser. Shortly after nine, this morning, Mum and I are going to the hair place, when Mum says to me, "So, when she finishes your hair, I'm going to ask her to do your eyebrows." Totally out of the blue. So, my eyes were a bit swollen and red, but I think they're okay, now. They don't hurt anymore, so that's all fine and dandy. It was much more pleasant than my last experience, but okay, nonetheless.

So, I finish getting my hair cut, and I sit there until eleven-thirty waiting for my mom to finish getting her nails done. Let's repeat that, shall we: eleven-thirty...

I don't like spending that long at the hair place, when I'm just sitting on the couch reading Maya Angelou, for lack of something better to do.

In other good news, I bought a new pair of shoes, today. Yay.

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