
02 November, 2002 || 1:32 pm

I'm on the phone with Eileen, now, and she's talking to me bacause she is cool.

Damn. Except she just said she has to go. Coolness level has decreased.

Movies, today? Probably not, since anything worth seeing is R. See? Moonlight Mile is PG-13, at 6:35. Other than that - *shrug*. Anybody want to host, tonight? I would, you know, but we were just here, and my 'rents won't be home, tonight. Sigh. This is depressing. I don't want to stay home, tonight. Maybe I will, anyway. I'll make hot chocolate and sit in from of the tv, watch The Apartment. Or something like that.

My dad's doing the "fuck me" routine, now. This is pathetic. And, like I said, depressing.

I'm cold, and bitchy, and I don't want to do homework. Because homework sucks. And I don't want to practice. Because practicing sucks. And I have a runny nose, and now, I'm just complaining, because that's the kind of mood I'm in. And that's the Gospel Truth.

I think I'll take a nap, now. Wake me when it's all over.

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