Tu as une barbe, et je veux dormir, je ne veux pas mange ton petit-dejuner - je desteste toi, tu merde-tete!

11 October, 2002 || 11:34 pm

Isn't it amazing how much some people can piss you off, while others you just love to pieces? I was just tinking about that, and how odd it is that a tiny baby could grow into such a bitch or such a sweetheart. People are weird.

And so, I've just realized (yes - just...I know - sad...) is this entry. Disregard anything written here that seems strange. Oh, and just so the whole damn thing woun't be disregarded:


There. That made sense...Oh - also - Jen, are you aware that the word "fuck" is written all over the ceiling in the storytime room? Just thought you should know.

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