A little bit of nothingness for your mild entertainment...

24 September, 2002 || 3:52 pm

Cathleen and I started a club. And, because I don't feel like doing homework, I made a banner thingie. Feel free to take one to display on your diary, but let one of us know just for the hell of it.

Copy and Paste this code into your diary:

Pretty cool, huh? (The correct answer to that is "oh my, you are so pathetic" but the answer I'd like to hear is "Yes, it is. Very cool.")

Ah, yes...so..what else's new? Not frickin' much, I'll tell you that much. We have a lab due on Monday for Mrs. Yay-rah, as well as a test on Thursday. A test. That we were told about today. What's it on? "Everything we've learned thusfar." Biiiiig help. You'd think we'd maybe get a study sheet, or she'd review everything first. Ha. You would be wrong.

In health, today, Mr. Ogre was telling us how teenage girls need to get lots of calcium and iron. Also, how he had a problem with his thyroid this summer and gained 20 pound over the summer. Jill and I looked at each other and said "ewwww" in unison. 20 pounds in 3 months?? That's disgusting. Can you imaging me with 20 extra pounds? That's, like, one sixth of my body weight. That's disgusting. Now, granted, Mr. Ogre's a lot bigger than I am, but still. 20 friggin' pounds.

Not much else to say, I'm doing math homework, now. Which reminds me, I left my math notebook at the library, yesterday. Grr.

And that reminds me that Jen is the coolest person in the world. She knows why.

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