Don't read this unless you'd like to go ewewewewewew right along with me...

21 September, 2002 || 1:16 pm

I discovered some very unsettling things last night. Or, rather I was told some very unsettling things last night. Mainly, my mother was, in her youth (er, late 20's, early 30's), what Hamida is, now, (no, not a big mouthed black girl, a dirty dirty tramp.)

And I don't know if any of you realize how horrid it is to hear your mother tell you about things that make her a dirty dirty tramp. My mother was talking about she and my dad met. At a bar. He called her a few days later, and they went to a movie and out to dinner. AND THEN, (she just has to mention this, and now, of course, I'm telling all of you...) THEY WENT BACK TO HER PLACE!!!!




I am forever scarred.

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