My Fantabulous (*cough*) Day

19 September, 2002 || 4:50 pm

I've more or less been sitting around waiting for someone to update (as reading it would distract me from that lovely little thing we call biology) however, as no one has updated, I will. Let's see...what happened today...I'll go in chronological order.

First off, there were a ton of people at Model Congress, yesterday. Trevor was there. I'd come up with some fabulously clever code name for him, but a) if anyone who reads this doesn't already know Trevor, I don't really care if they come and kidnap him and b) the chances of someone coming to The Bush to kidnap Trevor are far less than coming to kidnap one of us (ie. not Trevor) as c) people who nobody likes are usually not the kidnapped ones. Usually the kidnapped or killed ones are smart, funny, attractive, talented people (or so say their parents.) Oh, wait, based on that list, I guess I'm the only one who would have to wory about being kidnapped. Ha. What an ego I have.

Anyway, we digress. Back to Model Congress:

We were debating abortion, and some kid mentioned the day-after pill, and Trevor debated that there is no "day-after" pill, as a woman can't get pregnant then, because the egg isn't in the uterus, or somesuch thing. It was probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard uttered at a Model Congress meeting. And I've heard some pretty damn stupid things, there. (is it really necessary to test chap-stick on animals...)

Ahh...good times, good where was I? Oh, yes - today, chronological order. We were standing outside of Ben's homeroom, this morning, before homeroom, when Trevor came over and started talking about how much fun Model Congress is. somebody shoot him, please. Apparently, he's going to come every week, which means I may kill myself. Or Trevor.

Okay...blah, blah...quartet was fun...ViolinBitch is, obviously, a bitch. We ran the 50 in gym today, and I (haha) came in first. Woo-hoo! I'm very proud of that. We ran in groups of 6, and I came in at least 3 seconds before everyone else in my group. I was the second-best in my class, or something like that. I kick ass.

And now I'm talking to Hamida and it is fun. I'd share more things of my fantabulous (*cough*) day, but I still have biology homework to finish.

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