doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to, isn't he a bit like you and me?

16 September, 2002 || 7:38 pm

I just finished practicing, and I actually don't mind the pieces we're playing in SSYO. Nothing too hard, just a lot of syncopation. (Of course, that gets really annoying when the best way you can learn the rythms is to turn the metronome on and say "bah" on the off-beats...after a while, you'd just like to slam the metronome to the floor and begin jumping up and down on it, like a cwazy monkey with Parkinsons. Or somesuch thing.)

I am really not ready for school tomorrow. I was supposed to start work on chapter 3 for Bio, but I didn't. I think I'll be okay, though - there's only one period tomorrow. What really worries me is that I didn't finish my math worksheet, mainly because I don't really understand it. Margeaux - if you read this, before, let's say, 9:30 tonight - CALL ME, PLEASE! Anyone else who talkes to her, tell her to call, please. I don't get it!!

Wah. This is so depressing. Me not understanding math...its just...wrong. Math is so easy. So basic. So very straightforward and cleancut. A formula for everything, very few exceptions to rules, plug in your variables, do some arithmetic, and you're done. I'll work on it some more after I finish updating. Or after dinner. Whichever.

And now Chris is telling me there's a good Spongebob on tv, but I can't go watch it, because dinner will be ready soon. Just because I haven't done it yet this entry: sigh.

And my mother is in the other room talking about "slut city," whatever the hell that means...

My parents are so weird.

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