And Eileen thinks she's got a big ass...she has no idea...

06 September, 2002 || 10:43 pm

Okay, Eileen sometimes your parents do have a point. We went bowling again tonight and there were a bunch of black people there. I do not mean African American people or decent black people like Hamida. I mean steppin' black people. Who, apparently, think I look like Barbara. Holy shite-monkeys.

I actually won a game of bowling! Granted, we had bumpers up, but that's only because Ben cheated and ended up winning the first game by using bumpers, when I should have won. I'm such a bitter person. I really should break that habit. It's one I particularly don't like. I also ate nasty french fries for dinner. I feel so low, so dirty. I ate french fries. It a bowling alley. At 10:30 at night. How degrading.

Shortly after we got there, a large black woman sat down t the pay phone with a basket of cheesy onion rings and a cigarette or two, and sat there for two and a half hours. That's right. At a pay phone. In a frickin' bowling alley.

Once again, holy shite monkeys.

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