I swear to GOD, I *can* spell "website"...

29 August, 2002 || 12:25 am

Oh, yay - I can add an entry now!! Diaryland was being moved to a new server and I couldn't update, dammit!! But now I can and I am happy.

I have Bio and English with a ton of people I know, but I still don't know anyone in my first or second period classes. Or French. Sigh. I suppose I'll have to wait until next Thursday to see if I know anyone at all or whether I'll have to put up with all the stupid people whith no one to complain to about it.

That was the good thing about my schedule last year - even though I was in classes with complete morons, I had at least one person to bitch with, mainly Cathleen, who suffered through Global (with Steve, may he rot in hell) and Art (with Dan, and, of course, Mr. Artteacher - may they keep Steve company) with me.

If I'm going to have to put up with Hulbert all year, I better have someone decent in my class. Why is it all the cool people are either in Course 3 or not in my class? That sucks. Really really sucks.

Eileen - only sleazebags are at bowling alleys at night?? do you parents know that we live in The Bush? What, are you going to get raped in a bowling alley in The Bush when you're there with a group of your friends?? Wow. And, just for the record, we were pretty much the only people there.

We went to Friendlys to see Kate, but she went back to school. Which means we will probably never see her again. Which I find sad.

I have a super-duper headache, which means I will never get to sleep tonight. I'll just lie there, my head pounding, until 8:30, when my mum'll come into my room (without knocking, of course) and sit down on my bed while telling me to get up. When I don't respond she'll get all huffy and storm out of my room as though I just told her to fuck off and go to hell.

Which, if she doesn't stop acting the way she's been acting recently, I just might do.

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