While everyone else is having fun, I get stuck with an old beotch...

20 July, 2002 || 5:21 pm

So, here it is, almost 5:30, when everybody else (ie. Chris and Ben) are on their way to Margeaux's house. To have fun. And what am I doing? Sitting here. Writing an entry.

Waiting to go to my grandmother's house because today is her birthday. And even though she's like, 86, and really really annoying and bitchy, we stillhave to go over and spend time with her. I don't want to. My father doesn't want to. My mother doesn't want to.

My mom spent all morning baking a birthday cake for my grandmother. Grandma calls right before the cake goes in the oven. I didn't actually hear the conversation, but I will take a stab at what it sounded like:

Mom: happy birthday!

Gma: yeah. [sigh. cough, cough] What time are you coming over today?

Mom: Well, whatever time you want us to come...

Gma: Oh, it doesn't matter. [sigh. cough, cough] I'm home today, anyway. All day. Alone.

Mom: Well, I was thinking around 6ish, but whatever is good for you.

Gma: [sigh. cough, cough] If you come after supper, I made myself a birthday cake.

(When what she means is "I made myself a birthday cake because nobody else will, and even if you did, I'd rather ruin all of your efforts by doing it myself and then bitching about how unloved I am.")

Have I mentioned I really don't want to go tonight?

The one good thing is that I get to go to Margeaux's house after Grandma's, and we're stopping at Walmart on the way to that hell-hole to buy the game Twister, which will come in handy both tonight and Monday night at the library.

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