Waiting Entry...

08 July, 2002 || 4:35 pm

So I went to camp today. Yes, it is day camp. Yes, I am too old to go. Yes, I lied and said I was 14 because Beth and Cathleen wanted me to go. No, I don't care.

We baked. We made yummy things. I don't particularly care for the instructor. She seems like she never has fun at all. She also seems like she's not the brightest crayon in the box. Cathleen asked if we should pipe the batter with our dormant hand, and I don't think "Chef Gail" had any idea what dormant meant.

I don't have anything else to say. I thought Chris was pissed at me, but he's not, which is good. I really really wish I had something interesting to say, but I guess anything interesting will have to wait until after the movie tonight. I don't even know who's going. Well, okay...Eileen is going, and Margeaux, and, yes, Christopher Darling. I assume Leanne will be there as well.

Other than that I don't know.

Now I'm just waiting for my mom to come home and take me to Applebees.

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