You've got two empty halves of coconut and your banging 'em togever...

17 June, 2002 || 2:41 pm

Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! MY INTERNET CONNECTION IS BACK!!!!!! YESS!!!! SCORE!!!!

Okay. I'm okay. Really.

Today was our last day of classes. Yay. NO MORE MR.ARTTEACHER!!!! He signed Cathleen's yearbook and he was, like, "You are so wonderful and mature, and I would wish you the best, but you are so great you don't need to be wished the best, your hard work will bring you the best. Love, Mr. Artteacher"

Love!! That has got to be illegal....

I made string quartet!!!!! Yay!! It's going to be Laura, Carina (who was already in it and will be a Senior next year - also who I'm not too wild about), me, and KENDRA!!! Yay!!! I'm so happy about Kendra...I really wanted her to be in quartet. I think I'm more happy for her than I am for me...

Next year is going to be so much fun.

And, to make today even more cool, we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail in English...

"We've found a witch, may we burn 'er?"
"What makes you think she's a witch?"
"Well, she turned me into a newt!"
"A Newt???"
"I got better..."

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