Birthday Presents

19 May, 2002 || 3:03 pm

Friday after school, I went to the library. It was a ton of fun. Jen was complaining about She-who-everyone-hates when she walked into the room. I did a *gesture* and Jen noticed and it was mad funny. Then Friday night, Eileen had me sleep over at her house. But first we had a sort of mini birthday party for me. Chris and Margeaux came over to Eileen's and I know I had fun. Eileen gave me a shoe-thingie, but it's also a perfume bottle. It is very pretty and oh-so-very me. Mr. and Mrs. Colon bought me the Perfect Pancake Maker. Christopher Darling got me a purty necklace from the Silver Parrot and Chinese Meditation balls. I was annoying Eileen with them all night and her dad was joking that I was Captain Quage from The Caine Mutiny, because he is a mental case and he plays with balls. No pun intended.

And Margeaux said she'd buy me Am�lie when it comes out.

I am such the lucky girl.

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