I am SO boring!

25 March, 2002 || 6:09 p.m.

Sorry Jen - forgot where you were.

I hope you're not getting sick, too. I was just sick. I think it's going around.

Tell you what - if you get sick, I'll take the day off for you. That way you won't have to miss work. ;~D

Ahh, me. It seems like I have been really quite boring recently. That comes from lack of stimulation. When I am in a stimulating atmosphere I become, well, stimulated. Which, then, in turn, makes me more interesting.

Oh, dear Lord, I'm even boring myself.

Jen, have you bought shoes yet?? That would give me something to do. Not that I don't have nything to do - after all, I have a suit to finish. In less than a week. AHHHH! I intend to buy a hat in NYC on Friday.

YAY! Something to talk about!

Eileen and I (and her parents) are going to the city on Friday because there is no school. It is Good Friday. Although I don't know why they call it "Good" Friday, as it's the day that Christ died. I guess they're saying it's good He died because then He rose again which is why I don't believe I'm going to rot in hell. So, hey! I guess it is Good Friday.

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