Nothing against them, but...

08 March, 2002 || 5:58 p.m.

I'm really not doing so well with keeping up on my updates. There's a TAG meeting tonight at the library, and I'm really looking foreward to it. I feel like I haven't seen Alex in ages, so that will be cool. We're judging the Teen Poetry Contest tonight, and from what Jen said, most of the poems aren't very good. I read one about how God loves us by some girl who, apparently, is home-schooled. Now, I really don't like being prejudice, I think everyone should be able to be whatever the hell they want, but there are a few groups I do make fun of from time to time, though I'm not proud of it, and home-schoolers are one of them. Let me just say, before I begin my speal, that I really don't have a problem with home-schoolers, my cousin was home schooled, and she is wonderful. However, she also wrote quite sappy poems about nature, and little birds who talk to each other about how great heir mom is for barfing up worms to eat, and other similar things. Also, several other home-schoolers who I have met or heard of are not quite as, shall we say, "normal" (though I really hate to use "normal" as no one really is) as some other people I have met. First of all, there is the kid who lives on Eileen's who is my age (almost 15) who is home schooled, and this kid still plays cowboys and indians by himself in the street. Like, in public. Where people can see him.

Then there's a girl in this orchestra I'm in who is home schooled. And her name is Irenie Fitzgerald-Cherry. First of all - who would do that to their kid? That is an absolutly horrid name. I think I'd kill myself if I were named that. Secondly - the hyphanated lat name thing. Kids with hyphanated last names are prone to being made fun of. And thirdly - she's sort of a bitch.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic, and I should go now because I need to get ready to go to the library.

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