Among white boots, some things that are just WRONG *shuddershudder*

04 January, 2002 || 2:46 p.m.

I am so so glad it's Friday. You have no idea how great it is to not have to go to school tomorrow. I even managed to find an empty seat on the bus, with my viola and everything.

However, then Matt cae on the bus and said to me, "Sorry, sweatheart, but you gotta move in."

I mean, I don't *mind* moving in, but I had my gigantic backpack and my viola, and there was, like, no room left in the seat. And 3 of his friends were sitting in the two seats in front of me and the seat next to me. He could have sat there, but *nooooo*, can't possibly do that. Must make the Freshman's life as hard as possible by sitting witch her when she has a ton of crap to carry and really *doesn't* want to sit with anybody.

Jeez. Now I've gotten myself all worked up.

And another thing. I guess whoever owned the "Sinatra" diaryring's gold membership ran out or something, cuz there is NO LONGER a Sinatra Diaryring. Which is a sin. Like white boots or something. And Another Thing, what the hell is with sparkly jeans? Jeans are meant to be plain. Blue or black, even khaki colored or green or something like that. But they aren't meant too have crap on them. If you want crap on your pants, get a pair of disco, 70's-ish pants. Those are okay to have crap on them. Or, transform a pair of jeans into "Pants". For example, during Peter Pan, Margeaux tooik a pair of jeans, wrote "Peter Pan" on the butt in black marker, and had the entire cast sign them. Those jeans were transformed into *The Peter Pan Pants*.

Pants shouldn't be covered in crap.

Glitter is crap.

Pants that are covered in glitter should be worn as frequently as white boots should be worn.

Which, in case you didn't know, is never.

So back to Frankie, because of the lack of Sinatra diaryrings, I have put his beloved picture at the bottom of the page. Yay.

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