My View on the Situation

28 December, 2001 || 4:22 p.m.

Jen, you know what's really funny? My last entry really *didn't* have a story behind it, at least not what you were thinking. I assume that you were referring to our lovely conversation consisting of "BlahBlahBlah, YaddaYaddaYadda." However, i was just changing the font of my entries to a font only I have and my dad was helping me with the HTML and I didn't want him to be able to read my diary. You may be wondering why I changed my font if I'm the only one who can see the font change, so I'll tell you why. Because (a) it gives me a sense of self accomplishment and (b) it looks cool on my computer, so hey! why not?

I'd like to comment on the whole Alex *thing.* On the one hand, Alex, it *was* sorta offensive what you wrote. I know you didn't *mean* for it to sound that way, but it sorta sounded like you were implying that Eileen and I are such tightasses that we don't know how to have a good time, and that we rely on Chris to have fun.

However, it was also really hypocratic of Eileen to write that. *I* sorta felt like writing something like that, but I didn't, b/c it's not going to solve anything, and I don't really care if Alex has a party I am not invited to because she prolly wouldn't be on *my* invite list if I had a party. (No offense or anything, I just don't know you very well).

So that's my view on things. I hope I didn't piss anybody off, but if I did, I apologize. Also if I did, I *don't* wanna hear about it.

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