the deed is not the icky part; it's all in the knowing...

24 December, 2001 || 10:15 a.m.


i don't find the fact that you have sex icky, as you are free to do whatever the hell you want to. i just find it icky that i need to read about you having sex *at the same time* that my parents are talking about the very same subject.

Do you know how tramatising it is to have to listen to your parents talking about having sex *with each other*. i mean, it's one thing when you sit down w/ yur mom & have "the talk" (which, by the way, i had when i was, like, 4), but it's a horse of a totally different color when you have to hear about your parents sex lives.

so, forgive me if i have offended you w/ my saying you having sex is icky. it was not my intention to imply that you having sex is icky. i merely meant to say that me having to know about you having sex is icky.

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