The D'backs should take thier scores and shove them up their...

05 November, 2001 || 6:24 p.m.

I should have just stopped while I was ahead. Beth mentions the word "bra", so I talk about it, then Eileen, and Alex! Dear God! All we've been talking about lately has been boobs! Which is really sad.

ARRRRRRRRRRG! sorry. That Progresso soup ad was just on TV. You know, the one where the guy makes soup for him and his girlfriend or wife or w/e, and she goes "Condensed soup? We're not in Pre-school anymore!" I feel like yelling "Shut the f*** up!!! Don't go dissing Campbell's soup! Everybody *loves* Campbell's soup!

Sorry. That comertial just pisses me off.

You know what else pisses me off?

The Yankees lost. Now, I'm not even the greatest baseball fan. In fact, the only reason I really care about baseball is that it's practically the only sport I get. Baseball is a civilized sport. An all-American game. A catchy song-singing, hot dog and popcorn-eating, good wholesome game. There are no fat men in tight pants jumping on top of each other, no annoying guy in a black-and-white striped shirt yelling "scoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore!!!"

What bothers me even more than the Yankees loosing, is that they lost to the *Diamondbacks* I mean, for God's sake. Who the hell's ever heard of the *Diamondbacks*?? Good Lord.

So. LaLaLa.

I get to be in the string quartet at school. Lila, a violinist, can't be at the next concert. Sarah, a violinist and a violist, who played viola in the quartet, is going to fill in for Lila. Which means, they needed a viola. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!

I should go. I still have to finish my math homework (teehee). It 8would* be done, but I'm out of graph paper, so my dad said he'd bring some home. But then, suprise, suprise, he forgot. So he just printed off a sheet of graph paper from the computer for me to finish my HW.

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