"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax - of cabbages - and kings - and why the sea is boiling hot - and whether pigs have wings."

25 January, 2003 || 11:45 am

What I slacker I've been at updating. I had some pretty weird dreams last night. One was that I was with Eileen and her parents and we ran into two of her uncles, and stood there talking for a while. The other dream is that I opened the dishwasher to find globs of soap in it. I began to close it, thinking someone forgot to run it, but then I realized it was running, and water and suds began to flood the kitchen as I frantically tried to clean it up.

I'm pretty sure Mum's going to buy me a new dress. She asked about it and is willig to take me shopping either Tuesday after her chemo, or Wednesday. Yay for that. There's this black dress at Cohoes that I really liked, I just don't know if they'll have my size, or how much it'll cost, if they do. It's a black strapless sheer with velvet designs all over it. It has a fuller skirt that hits about mid-calf and a wide black ribbon that ties around the waist. It's quite pretty.

Hmmm....oh - the cleaning people came yesterday and the note they left: "The dog Darked the Hole whole time I was here."

Amazing how smart some people are, isn't it?

Okay, what else can I say for your reading pleasure? I need to study this weekend, I have a bio midterm this weekend. However, there're two, 100 question tests, and 16 total chapters, which means there will only be about 5 questions per chapter per test. And The first test I'm not at all worried about - it's on Regents stuff, questions the state says we should know. The second test is much harder, made up of questions Mrs. Yay-rah says we should know. But again, there'll only be about 5 questions per chapter, so I think if I study, I'll be able to do alright. And I really really need to do well on this midterm, as it counts in the second marking period, and my grade right now is atrocious.

Ben came over last night and we watched The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (yes, again). This make the second time I've seen it in two days. The third total time. I'm humming the songs in it, now, and it's complete pretty-ness.

Speaking of Ben, I don't know if any of you know, but he's on LI this weekend, for his grandpa's 85th birthday.

Sha. La. La.

Well, I should go shower, now. And yay-rah for that.

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