Shpadoinkle evening? I think not.

25 December, 2002 || 10:20 pm

I want a surprise. And I don't have any more. That's one thing I don't like about Christmas...after all is said and done, I get horribly depressed, and somehow I forget about that each year. I've been playing with my cell phone all evening, I want to buy a couple extra ring tones for it, but I don't feel like spending a buck and a half for a ring tone. However, I would like Damonds are a Girl's Best Friend, or Louie Louie, or something Beatles for my phone.

La, how boring I am. There is so much snow out there, now, it's almost a shame we're not supposed to have school, tomorrow, just for the joy of having a snow day. This snow better clear up fast, though, I'd rather not be stuck in my house for the remainder of Christmas break. Which reminds me, Eileen - can I borrow your white gloves, Friday? Thanks a million. Also, does anyone know where I could get an old-fashioned cigarette holder? Or candy cigarettes? Let me know.

This interesting Queen is leaving you now, I'll be online until I die of boredom, if anyone loves me enough to talk to me a little.

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