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21 December, 2002 || 8:56 pm

Eileen: "Feel how heavy mouse balls are!"

Oh, God, that was funny. Almost as funny as Ben: what if it's a six foot tall woman, with a beard and a dick?
Jen: Maybe she's Italian...
Emily: [rolls on floor at library6, laughing incredibly much]

Guess What!?!?!?! I got myhair cut today! YAY!! I love that just hair cut feeling. Yay.

Eileen is singing and she is annoying. But that's okay because I love an appreciate her. And now she's shining a flashlight in my eyes. (*what great fun*)

Why, it's BOOBTASTIC!!

"Stop mocking me, PIG!"


My ar-rum hurts. I don't know why. Okay, that's a lie. I do know why. But I'm not going to tell you. So there.


Y'all give me an idea for a post-Christmas layout. If you would be so kind. Thanky-spanky.

Speaking of spanking, I should get back to my Eileeny-Bear, now.


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