Disgustingly boring entry

01 October, 2002 || 8:20 pm

Ah, here I am, updating, again. Be prepared. Brace yourself. I'm about to make an astonishing announcement.


Y'all ready for this one: I have notthing new to say.

I have a new pair of earrings, and they kick ass. Model Congress tomorrow, then library. My grandmother is picking me up tomorrow, at the library, at 4:30 so I can go back to her house and eat whatever kind of slop she's concocted. Yay-rah. Just a note, Jen - don't ask my grandma if she's okay, tomorrow, when she starts breathing as though she's about to explode - she'll just nag to me about how "she's fine," later. Also, you think your grandma's the fat bitch? Ha. You'll get to meet mine.

Nothing much else to comment on.

What a fantastic entry, huh?

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