How much Wood could a Woodchuck Chuck?

11 July, 2002 || 5:24 pm

I think I've figured out what is wrong with "Chef Gail." It seens as though she doesn't really care whether we have fun doing what we are doing. She explains to us how to do all of the things, and she always seems excited about making it, but she doesn't say "Isn't this *fun*??" like many "camp teachers" seem to do. Also, if we are standing around waiting for something (dough to rise, something to come out of the oven), and we have done all of the things we simply must do (wash dishes), and so we are just standing around talking, she goes nutso. "Don't just stand around doing nothing! Come on, Young Chefs - " I swear to God, she really calls us that. " - don't just stand there! Pay attention to the time! What time does our lovely, flakey, tender dough come out of the oven? Wash the dishes!! Get your mis en place ready!!"

If I had to put up with her for longer than a week, I think I might go crazy.

I should point out that she always wears the typical chef jacket thing, only hers has her name stitched into in in hot pink thread. And her lipstick perfectly matches the color of the thread.

That might give you an idea of the kind of person she seems to be.

I am really really looking forward to this weekend. ROAD TRIP!!! I (hopefully) will be at the library by 3:30-ish to hang out there before Jen brings us home with her. I was hoping the usual suspects would be able to come to the library to hang out with me and Eileen before we leave for the weekend, but Margeaux is in camp until Monday, Chris left for Maine this morning, and I have no idea whether Ben will be back in time to come hang out with us. We are leaving the library at 5, if anyone wants to make the afternoon even more fun by adding to the friendliness of the atmosphere (or just royally piss me off, depending who you are...).

But, la la la...I'm in a pretty decent mood. A bit tired, but hey - that's nothing new. When am I not a little tired? Besides when I'm with friends having fun or when I actually need tto go to sleep in order to wake up the next morning...

Nobody is online, it seems. That's because the whole gang is away. Except for me and Jen, but she's at home doing "wife-y shit."

I talked to Chris this morning and he told me a few names for our group that are among the more frequently used. Chris says his newest name for us is The Tribe, although I've never actually seen or heard him use that, so I don't know how well it will catch on. We are still The Harram but only when it is just me, Margeaux, Eileen, and Chris. "The usual suspects" also refers to our gang, and it is a phrase Chris uses often, I think. You may note that it is used above.

Another name for our group that I am somewhat fond of is The Cult. The name stems from our middle school drama club days, when we were The Cake Cult, as both Eileen and Catherine have the same birthday, pretty much right smack dab in the middle of play rehearsals. They both brought in cake that week, and pretty soon, we have cake almost every day, from one person or another.

We can, of course, also be The Gang, The Group or any variation of the sort.

I'll poll everyone as to what our name should be:

take my poll at:

M's Poll:��

Also, a note: Diaryland has put a ban on sharing images between diaries. So, therefore, if you have images on your layout hosted at MI Designs, they will not show up on your page. (ie. Why my diary looks like crap right now.)

I am working on getting everything fixed!!

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