What I am...

24 February, 2002 || 1:40 p.m.

Yes, yes, the movies were *most* fun. Mais, oui, H�l�ne, mon amie, notre visite � la cinema etaite tr�s bon, c'etait fantastique at amusant boucoup. Oh, la, la! La vie, c'est si bon!

Well, I suppose I should begin to use english, mais apr�s j'ai lu le journal d'H�l�ne (ie. Leeners), je doit parle et ecrit dans fran�ais!

Okay, now I will stop writing in french as a) some people who might read my diary don't *know* any french and b) I am not the greatest at the language myself, so I don't want to butcher it. I have taken several quizzes which determine things about me, (as you've seen, I am a broccoli, and it should be my New Years resolution to seduce as many people as possible), so I'd like to list other things about me below:

Yuoo ere-a zee Svedeesh Cheff!
Yuoo ere-a a guud cuuk, thuoogh yuoo cun't speek Ingleesh fery vell. Bork Bork Bork!

Which My Little Pony Are You?

You're 3 Musketeers!
You're kind of plain. Nothing amazing. But hey, that's not always a bad thing.

What is YOUR Highschool label?

What Beatles' song are you?

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